Open desired module
On the left side of your screen you will find the various modules. Here you will find the module "Cold storage" or "Stock". By clicking on it, you will get different options under this button.
Open shipment
In the overview under "Cold storage" or "Stock", you will find the "Shipping" button. When you click on it, you will open the screen with an overview of all your shipments. By clicking here, you open an extra part with, under cold storage, "Cold storage overview" and under stock "Unsorted fruit" and "Sorted fruit", if you click on this, you open the screen with the overview of your shipments.
Add new shipment
Enter shipping information
In the new screen that subsequently opens, you have the following parameters that must be entered:
Receiver: To whom do you wish to send this data?
Data selection: Here you can choose between "Automatic" and "Manual".
Automatic: With an automatic data selection, all data that meets the criteria below will be sent to the recipient automatically.
Manual: With manual data selection only the selected data will be sent to the receiver.
Expiration date: The date from which the data is no longer visible to the recipient.
Reference: Here you get an overview of the selected data.
Update interval: This is determined by default for each component. You cannot change this.