How do I add a new personnel member?

Step 1 - Open Personnel Module

On the left side of your screen, you'll find the different modules, including the Personnel module. Under this menu, you'll find various options.

Step 2 - Open Overview

In the menu located under Personnel, you'll find the Overview button. Below, you'll get a screen with an overview of all personnel members. 

Step 3 - Add New Personnel

At the top of the overview list of all personnel members, you'll find the green New Personnel button. Clicking this button opens the screen to create a new personnel member.

Fill in Parameters

In the new screen, you can fill in all the parameters to create a new personnel member. 

When creating, the following parameters are mandatory: 

First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
The other parameters are optional, but are useful. 

Tip: You can use a passport photo for information.
If you wish to fill in the parameters "Education", "Competencies", and "Billing Details", use the arrow to open the drop-down.


When all data has been correctly filled in, you can click on Save at the bottom of the screen. This will then open the overview of this personnel member.
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