How do I secure, download and delete a document?

Open module My Company

On the left you will find various modules. Here you will see the module "My company". By clicking on it you will get several options under this button.


Open documents

In the overview that is located under "My Company", you will find the button "Documents". Clicking on this will open the screen with an overview of all your documents.


Secure document

To the left of the name, in the column "Status" you will find a white button "Public". If you click on this button you will get a screen where you can enter a password. If you have entered a password press add and the document will be protected.

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Download document

To the right of the name, in the "Actions" column, you will find a blue "Download" button. Clicking on this will download the document.


Delete document

To the right of the name, in the "Actions" column, you will find a red "Delete" button. Clicking on this will delete the document.
Then you will get a screen asking for confirmation if you want to delete the document. If you are sure, press the red "Delete" button.
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