How to check my treatments?



Step 1 - Open Spraybook

On the left side of your screen, you will find various modules, including the Spraybook. Clicking here will give you several options:
  • Planning: This item provides an overview of all your scheduled treatments.
  • Treatments: Under this section, you can find the overview option, which directs you to the summary of all your executed treatments.

Step 2 - Check Treatment

At the top right of your screen, you will see a white button Checking Treatment.

Once you've clicked this button, a screen will appear where you can choose the cultivation year and the rules you want to verify.
Rules marked with a green checkmark will be verified. You can remove the green checkmark by clicking on it.

The safety margin is not checked by default. This check is only useful just before harvesting to calculate the FPHD (First Possible Harvest Date). Once harvesting has begun, you can find a more detailed overview under the FPHD item in the treatments section. The safety margin does not need to be checked to get a correct overview under the FPHD option; this happens automatically.


 Useful tip

Would you prefer your treatments to be automatically verified?
Open the "My Business" module, then open "Settings." A page will open where, under the spray module, you can choose "Automatically Verify Treatment." Select "Yes" and also specify the default treatment checks. This indicates which treatment checks should be performed by default. Then click the green "Save" button.
Now your treatments will be automatically verified.

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