Where can I find an overview of my plots and how can I edit and delete them?

Open culture module

On the left you will find various modules. Here you will find the "Culture" module. Clicking on this button will give you various options.


Open overview plots 

In the overview under "Culture", you will find the button "Plots". Pressing this opens the screen with an overview of all your fields.



Open detail plot 

You can open the details of your plot by clicking on "Details". This blue button is located to the right of the plot name in the column "Actions" .


You will then get an overview of the details of the plot.

Edit plot

At the top you will find the orange button "Edit". Clicking on it will open the screen to edit your plot.
After editing the details of your plot, click on the green "Save" button at the bottom. You will then get an overview of all the details of your parcel on your screen again.

Delete plot 

At the top you will find the red "Delete" button. Clicking on this will bring up "Delete?" on your screen.

If you want to delete the plot, click on the red "Delete" button.


Then you return to the overview of all your fields. You will see that the plot you deleted will no longer be there. 

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