- Before you can apply these steps, you need to first plan a treatment.
Click here for the steps.
- Before you can apply these steps, you need to first add a previously executed treatment.
Click here for the steps.
Step 1 - Open Spraybook Module
On the left side of your screen, you will find various modules, including the Spraybook module. By clicking here, you will get different options under this button.
In the overview under Spraybook, you will find the Planning button. By clicking here, you open the screen with an overview of all your planned treatments. -
In the overview under Spraybook, you can also find treatments. If you go to the overview, you will see all executed treatments.
Step 2 - Open Treatment Details
You can find the details by clicking on Details. This button is located to the right of the treatment, in the Actions column. By clicking here, a screen with all the details of your treatment will open.
Step 3 - Edit Treatment
At the top right of the overview list, you will find Edit. By clicking here, a screen to edit your planned/executed treatment will open. After editing the details of the planned/executed treatment, click Save at the bottom.
Attention: Phenology!!
When creating the treatment, a phenological stage of the crop is indicated. If you receive an error message on Phenology, you do not need to click on edit. You will find a blue button at the bottom right in the details that will direct you to the correct page.
More information can be found at: How to edit phenology?
When editing the treatment, you can find a reference in the blue bar to the correct page to adjust the phenology.
Step 4 - Check Treatment
At the top right of your screen, you will see a white button Check Treatment.
After clicking this button, you will get a screen where you can choose which cultivation year and which rules you want to check.
The rules with a green check mark will be verified. You can remove the green check mark by clicking on it.
Safety Margin is a useful feature for the control of FPHD (First Possible Harvest Date). However, this is only useful before picking starts. Once the harvest has begun, this information will be taken over by FPHD under treatments in the Spraybook. Safety Margin performs the check at the variety level. Once you start picking a variety, it is no longer representative for the other crops, and you should check the FPHD overview.
Do you find it more convenient that your treatments are automatically verified?Open My Company, then open Settings. A page will open where you can choose Automatically Verify Treatment under Spraybook. Select "Yes," also specify the default treatment checks. This shows which default treatment checks should be performed.
Then click on the green button "Save". Now your treatments will be automatically verified.